Friday, November 8, 2013

Cornhole Rules

There are "official rules" made by a group of people for tournament play and they there are house rules when it come to cornhole. They are mostly the same but the tourney always go overboard. So I will be laying out the West Side rules.

Board Distance
The cornhole boards should be 27 feet apart from front to front. This will give 33 feet between holes. The gray sections next to the boards below are the throwing boxes (where players throw from). This section is not marked in real life.

One player from each team gets four cornhole bags. One bag is thrown trying to get your bag in the hole or at least on the board, players may block the hole, knock each other off the board or do any other tricks to controle the board. The players will take turns back and forth until all eight bags are gone. The players on the other side will count points and yell points received and total score. Those players take turns throwing the bags back and so on. First team to 21 wins the game and gets to stay on the boards to take on the next challengers.

Scoring cornhole goes like this. In the hole = 3 points, on the board = 1 point. Cornhole bag can be hanging on the side but CAN NOT be touching the ground (we fight every time if it is touching the grass). If a bag hits the ground for any reason before getting to the boards then players should knock off that bag and call the thrower Mary, Sally or any female name. If it was a female that  threw the bag then it is advised that you keep your mouth shut lol...

Scoring is a cancel out system to 21. So let's say we have a red and blue team. Red team has one bag in the hole and two on the board. Blue team has 2 in tho hole and none on the board. The score from that round would be Blue +1. This would complete one inning.

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